Flycatchers, Phoebes, and Allies
Seasons in KC area based on information from "The Sibley Guide to Birds" (2000) and "Birds of Kansas" (2011)
Great Crested Flycatcher Clinton Lake 5_28_2014 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Heritage Park 5_4_2014
Great Crested Flycatcher - KC area April to September
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (M & F) - KC area May to Sept
Vermilion Flycatcher Reid Park 1_5_2014 Vermilion Flycatcher female 1_12_2013
(male) Vermilion Flycatcher (southwest) - not in KC area
(female) Vermilion Flycatcher (southwest) - not in KC area
Gray Flycatcher 1_13_2013 Vermilion Flycatcher juvenile 1_14_2013
Gray Flycatcher (west) - not in KC area
(juvenile) Vermilion Flycatcher (southwest) - not in KC area
Eastern Phoebe Arboretum 4_25_2014 Say's Phoebe Starr Pass 1_18_2015
Eastern Phoebe - KC area March to November
Say's Phoebe (southwest) - not in KC area
Black Phoebe Patons 1_24_2014 Great Kiskadee
Black Phoebe (southwest) - not in KC area
Great Kiskadee (south Texas) - not in KC area
Greater Pewee Reid Park 1_2_2020 Eastern Wood-Pewee 8_25_2013
Greater Pewee (southwest) - not in KC area
Eastern Wood-Pewee - KC area May to September
Eastern Kingbird Western Kingbird 151st Lone Elm 6_4_2014
Eastern Kingbird - KC area May to September
Western Kingbird - KC area April to September
Cassin's Kingbird Patagonia 1_23_2020 Couch's Kingbird
Cassin's Kingbird (southwest) - not in KC area
Couch's Kingbird (south Texas) - not in KC area
Olive-sided Flycatcher SM Park 8_28_2014  
Olive-sided Flycatcher - KC area during migration
Acadian Flycatcher on nest Acadian Flycatcher Weston Bend 5_20_2014
Acadian Flycatcher
- KC area May to September
The Acadian Flycatcher is one of several species of flycatchers of Genus Empidonax which are very difficult to identify visually because their sizes, markings, and colorations are nearly identical. Acadian, Yellow-bellied, Willow, Alder, and Least Flycatchers are Empidonax which are in the KC area during migration, and Acadian and Willow stay through the summer and breed. They are about 5.25 to 5.75" long, have wing bars and eye rings, have generally greenish backs and pale or yellowish breasts. Empidonax flycatchers are most easily distinguished by their voices. Acadian voice sounds like "pizza", Alder says "free beer", Least says "chebek", Willow says "ritzbew", and Yellow-bellied says a hoarse "chebunk. "
Page added 6/10/2011 (last update 3/16/2020 Greater Pewee)